by idoybh



Yet Another Sound Recorder (YASR)Is a Material You sound recorder that supports external (USB & Bluetooth) mics. Its minimal and does not require any file permissions. Follows system theme and accent color. The app supports multiple qualities and formats, which includes lossless recording support.Was developed by Ido Ben-Hur (github.com/idoybh)Source can be found at: github.com/idoybh/YASRPrivacy Policy: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/idoybh/YASR/master/privacy_policy.txtLicensed by the Apache 2.0 licenseThe app icon was created by Freepik - Flaticon:https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/microphoneThe telegram icon was created by Icons8:https://icons8.com/icon/85566/telegram-app